Services on production and installation of the ventilation pipes having peerless role in installation of the ventilation systems of newly constructed buildings and venues are rendered in the site of production and installation of the Ventilation systems of Electrical Equipment Plant of STP.
The site was fitted with a CNC plasma machine controlled by AUTOCAD and CAM DUCT softwares for the production of parts at the plant.
Manufactured pipes and connecting accessories are used in chimney systems of many-storied houses, sport, fitness and olympic parks, warehouses, archival and calculation centers, production areas of any destination (industrial and food), poultry farms and broilers, underground tunnels, pump stations, fire and explosion production fields.
The fact that the products are light, wide assortment and their making in accordance with the order are their distinctive characteristics. These products are suitable for any fan, aspirator, rooftop and other systems.
The following materials are used in the production of ventilation pipes:
- Aluminum – 0.6-1.2 mm
- Galvanized steel – 0.5-1.0 mm
- Stainless steel – 0.4-0.9 mm
STP offers spiral, rectangular and quadrant air ducts for clients. Ø100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 355, 400, 500, 630, 710, 800, 900, 1000, 1120, 1250, 1400 mm sprial pipes are produced. Rectangular and square air ducts are able to be manufactured in any size. The site has been fitted with modern machine tools for the production of all ventilation system accessories with diameters of between Ø125 and 1250 mm.
- Crossover (from rectangular to round)
- Trinity
- Pipe bend
- Quadrant
- Muff
- Nipple
- Hick
- Deflector
- Cap
- Half-moon.
- Different sorts of boxes
- Quadrangular channels
- S-shaped channels (round and quadrangular)
- Slot boxes