Advancement of package technology prevents losses in the process of transportation and preservation of these products, ensures maintenance of product quality. The most effective facility for transportation and maintenance of foods and products is widely-used packaging cases.
All sorts of packaging cases are produced from high quality polyethylene in STP. Overused and multi-time containers offered to consumers can be utilized in packaging of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berry, greens and seedlings.
Latticed and cellular wall and bottom ensure removal of humidity and condensate from plastic containers. Additionally, cellular containers lighten its weight, constructive ribs on the edge of cellulars give steadiness and durability. Dimensions are 400x300x180 mm and 500x300x200.
There are following specific characteristics of plastic fruit containers:
- Resistance and being not slipping at the time of transportation.
- Resistant to cold (-40°C) and hot (+80°C).
- Resistant to changeable temperatures.
- It is lighter than metal and wood containers and it prevents some problems in the process of transportation. They are not damaged during transportation process because of not having nails and ferrous cutting components.
- No danger for contact with foods.
- They are healthy and hygienic, easily cleaned and do not keep fungi and mold.
- These containers do not damage environment and prevent deforestation due to having capability of 100% recycling.
- They are cost-effective up to 75% than wood and metal containers at the time of transportation of empty containers.
- They have long term service life in comparison with wood containers.